Corporate Accounting
Efficient and effective accounting practices are the heartbeat of any business, and help maximize the financial health of a business. However, recording, measuring and communicating information about financial transactions can be challenging and time consuming. Let Cook & Company help make the task easier. We offer solutions that are shaped directly for you and your business, providing everything you need to ensure long-term stability, efficiency, and prosperity for your company.
- Bookkeeping: The process of recording financial transactions (revenues, expenses, charges, fees, purchases and payments) to demonstrate your business’s financial position is a big job! We offer professional bookkeeping services for business owners from a variety of industries. Our proficient and professional bookkeepers can help keep your business finances in order and up-to-date.
- Preparation of year end financial statements: A fiscal year-end statement includes a balance sheet, an income statement, a cash-flow statement, and statement of owner’s equity, all of which help you evaluate your business’s performance. Cook & Company provides an accurate and detailed financial statement preparation for all sizes of businesses in a variety of industries.
- An accurate and complete balance sheet can help your business qualify for loans and/or credit and inform your investors what they can expect.
- An income statement shows the profitability of your company and helps you analyze how efficiently your business translates your investments into revenues.
- A cash-flow statement provides information to what components are generating cash and where cash is being expended.
- A statement of owner’s equity shows the cumulative earnings of the company retained and available for future distributions.
- Source deduction planning and remittance refers to the money you withhold from your employees’ paychecks and remit to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) including Canada Pension Plan (CPP) contributions, Employment Insurance (EI) premiums and income tax. Let Cook and Company ensure accurate deductions and timely remittances.
With over 20 years of experience, an abundance of technical savvy, a knack for numbers and a grounding in the current accounting landscape, Cook & Company will deliver accounting solutions with honesty, integrity, and a personal touch. Allow our detailed and diverse expertise to work for you.