Reflect and Plan: Setting Your Business Goals for the New Year

A business owner reflects and plans how to set business goals for the upcoming new year.

The new year is almost upon us, making this a great time to review the past year’s achievements and undertake strategic planning. It’s a time to set realistic financial goals and review the succession plan. Attention to these matters ensures your business’s future success. However, business strategizing and succession planning are complex undertakings and are best done with the guidance of professionals. Following is advice from the experts at Cook and Company Chartered Professional Accountants.

Business Review and Goal Setting

Goal setting involves creating a vision of your company’s future by identifying your aims and objectives and determining the timing and sequence of meeting these. The following is a step-by-step guide to reviewing your business’s achievements and setting realistic goals for the upcoming year: 

  • Reflect upon this year’s performance. Look at the highlights and challenges. Consider your business’s strengths, weaknesses, threats you have mitigated, and opportunities taken. Let this reflection inspire your goal-setting for the new year.  
  • Define your mission and vision: Consider what you wish to achieve. Set guiding principles that provide a foundation for strategic planning and goal setting.
  • Plan changes: List new projects and ideas. Consider what is needed to make them happen. 
  • Prioritize your new projects and ideas. Decide which are a priority and which can wait.
  • Review revenue streams and set financial goals: Look at your current projects and the new projects you prioritized. Consider your possible income based on your products/services, audience, price point, and predicted sales. 

Succession Planning

Succession planning is a procedure that identifies key positions within your business and develops plans to ensure your organization continues to have the leadership needed to fill these posts. It is about preparation and future-proofing your company. The following is a guide to succession planning:

  • Identify the leadership positions critical to your company’s success, those that require competent, capable people. 
  • Determine the relevant skills, knowledge, competencies, and abilities needed for these roles.
  • Calculate the probable time till these positions are vacant (retirement, career changes, etc.) 
  • Identify possible replacements in your company and analyze their skills and competencies. Look for gaps. Discuss your plans with these candidates. 
  • Design initiatives to prepare chosen candidates for the change of leadership roles. Look for ways to enhance and develop their leadership skills. Provide training and experiences.
  • Evaluate and monitor your plan as it unfolds. Make changes/adjustments as needed.


Having trouble determining your business strategy? Need help with succession planning? Contact Cook and Company. Our professional chartered accountants are here to help!

Optimizing Year-End Tax Benefits for Individuals

The owner of the company is optimizing year-end tax benefits for his employees.

Have you undertaken tax planning for your business or organization? Did you talk to a professional to maximize tax savings? Most company owners are on top of their tax situation but less often think of strategies for their individual tax claims. Planning is crucial for navigating investments, charitable contributions, and other deductions that optimize personal tax outcomes. The following are suggestions for optimizing year-end tax benefits for individuals.

Strategies For Investors

If you invest private funds, the following tips will assist you in optimizing your individual year-end tax benefits.

  • Trade before the investment deadline: If you are selling an investment (stock, ETF, mutual fund, etc.) at a loss (to offset capital gains), ensure you do so at least two business days before the end of the year.
  • Trigger accrued losses: If you have funds/securities that have lost value, sell them to trigger capital losses before the year-end, offsetting capital gains for the current year. 
  • Minimize capital gains tax using unused capital losses to offset capital gains. Consider an ITF account for a family member with little/no income and structure asset sales to receive proceeds over more than one tax year. 
  • Contribute to a TFSA (tax-free savings account), allowing tax-free growth and freedom of withdrawal times. 
  • Contribute to an RDSP (registered disability savings plan) for yourself or a family member. You may qualify for a matching government contribution.

RRSP Strategies

Last year’s notice of reassessment/assessment shows your RRSP contribution limit. 

  • Take advantage of unused RRSP contribution room, maximizing your RRSP to maximize benefits. Consider withdrawing monies from a TFSA or taking out a loan to make your contribution. 
  • Contribute to your spouse’s RRSP:  Minimize the effects of attribution rules on withdrawals by contributing to your spouse’s RRSP before year-end. 
  • Make home buyers plan withdrawals after year-end: Delaying a withdrawal allows time before repayment with RRSP funds begins. 
  • Make Home Buyer’s Plan required repayment (found on your notice of assessment) and designate it on your personal return, avoiding unnecessary income inclusion.

Family Strategies

Take advantage of the many family tax strategies available.

  • Set up a loan (prescribed rate) with your common-law partner/spouse. 
  • Swap assets with a family member(s) or transfer assets to a minor child. 
  • Apply for Canada Pension Plan pension sharing
  • Purchase RESPs for your children. 
  • Take advantage of the federal tuition non-refundable tax credit
  • Explore the Canada Caregiver Credit
  • Pay tax-deductible childcare expenses to adult children.
  • Review trust income, determining how much income to flow to beneficiaries. 

Optimizing year-end tax benefits for individuals can be convoluted and confusing! Talk to a professional tax planner for advice and assistance. They’ll provide guidance and tax planning support. 

Need help navigating investments, charitable contributions, and other deductions to optimize your individual tax outcomes? Contact Cook and Company Professional Accountants for tax planning and advisory.

Leveraging Accounting Technology to Improve Your Business Operations

A man is using advanced accounting technology.

Professional implementation of modern accounting technology streamlines business proceedings, revolutionizing the handling of financial operations. Automating time-consuming and repetitive tasks frees companies to focus on growth and strategic decision-making while ensuring compliance with reporting standards and reducing errors. Advanced accounting technology enables faster performance, detailed analysis, and more sophisticated operations.

Advanced Accounting Technology

Recent innovative solutions have reshaped accounting practices, offering increased precision and efficiency, improving security, and enabling scalability. 

  • Cloud-Based Solutions: Accounting firms utilize cloud-based solutions to create simpler, more efficient, and more secure accounting systems that can be accessed at any time with any device. These solutions automate monotonous tasks (recordkeeping, data entry, etc.), simplify data management, ensure fast payments, eliminate the need for costly software, allow real-time collaboration, and offer scalability. 
  • Accounting Software is designed to assist with generating financial statements, budgeting, taxes, managing inventory, payroll, and financial transaction recording. This software provides greater control, enhances accuracy, and ensures security. It enables deeper insights, facilitating data-based decision-making.
  • Machine Learning enables the gathering, organizing, and analysis of numerous datasets, continuously improving as information is accumulated. It provides real-time predictions and detects fraudulent statements, supporting efficient audits. 
  • Data Analytics: Accountants use analytics to provide meaningful insights, enabling data-driven decisions and effective business strategies. Data analytics are used for client advisory, risk assessment, forecasting, performance monitoring, and problem-solving. 
  • Predictive Analytics forecasts outcomes and generates predictions based on past outcomes and historical data. These analytic procedures help companies develop accurate budgets, estimate sales, and determine potential for expansion.
  • Artificial Intelligence incorporates self-learning capacity, empowering accountants to analyze large datasets efficiently. It is used to automate repetitive duties (data entry, tax filing, etc.) saving time and freeing companies to concentrate on tasks requiring creativity and critical thinking. 
  • Automation of accounting tasks eliminates human involvement in repetitive tasks, mitigates errors, automatically generates invoices, addresses vendor inquiries, and identifies discrepancies. 
  • Cybersecurity, such as stealth log-ins and password management protection, prevents unwanted access to accounts and credentials and minimizes the risk of data breaches.  

How Cook and Company Can Help

Effective, efficient accounting maximizes a business’s financial health but is a time-consuming, challenging undertaking. Cook and Company has over 20 years of experience of making the task easier by offering corporate accounting solutions tailored to each company’s needs. Our skilled implementation and accounting technology streamlines business operations and provides cybersecurity managed by professionals. We leverage technology for automated accounting processes. This saves money and time, improves compliance with regulations, and ensures accuracy. With integrity, honesty, and a personal touch, we use diverse, detailed, expertise to benefit our clients. We provide:

  • Bookkeeping: Recording revenues, charges, purchases, expenses, fees, and payments is a huge task. Cook and Company provides professional bookkeeping services for a variety of industries. Our proficient, bookkeepers help companies keep their finances up-to-date and in order. 
  • Preparation of year-end statements: Fiscal year-end statements help a business evaluate its performance. We provide statements that include a balance sheet (helps determine qualification for credit and loans and informs investors), an income statement (shows profitability and assists analysis of investments), a cash-flow statement (provides information regarding cash generation and expenditures), and a statement of owner’s equity (shows the cumulative company earnings available for distribution). 
  • Source deduction, remittance, and planning: Cook and Company ensure timely, accurate deductions and remittances (Employment Insurance premiums, Canada Pension Plan contributions, and income tax) and provide tax planning and advice

Contact Cook and Company for the assistance of chartered professional accountants. Let accounting technology improve your business operations.

Can Your Business Plan for Inflation?

Business Plan for Inflation

Historically, inflation has plunged countries into long periods of instability and politicians have won elections on promises to combat it. Inflation is currently at a high not felt for decades. Canada’s annual inflation rate rose to 8.1% in June of 2022, the highest since January 1983. Businesses are paying more to find and retain talent. Supply costs are escalating. Companies are feeling squeezed as the costs of goods and services continue to rise. Inflation is expected to remain elevated until 2024. It’s necessary for businesses to take decisive action to strengthen their growth plans and deal with the pressures of an inflationary period. The following are strategies to plan for and deal with the impact of inflation on your business. 

What is inflation?

Inflation is the rate of increase in prices over a given period of time. It represents how much more expensive a relevant set of goods and/or services has become. It can be translated as the decline of purchasing power over time and is expressed as a percentage. Essentially, inflation means that a unit of currency effectively buys less than it did in prior periods. When inflation rises, consumer spending declines as people can’t afford to buy as much as previously. 

How does inflation affect a business?

Inflation means that a company’s cash reserves are worth less. Labour expenses rise. Consumers buy less of a business’s goods and/or services. The value of some assets (real estate, steel, lumber) increases. Supply chain issues often occur, affecting scheduling, pricing and estimation. The shifting nature of the economy during an inflationary period is unnerving for many business owners. The answer? Be prepared!

How can a business plan for and address inflation?

Normal economic cycles include four stages: expansion, peak, contraction, and trough. As a business owner, it’s wise to have contingency plans for navigating each stage. A company’s plan for a period of inflation should include metrics to measure success and actionable steps to take. The following are tips for dealing with inflationary pressure as a business.

  • Be aware of real income: Track net income against the rate of inflation (real income). As the rate of inflation increases, profit decreases, reducing value and equity. 
  • Adjust the length of contracts: Lock in pricing for materials and/or expenses with a long-term contract. This protects your budget and guarantees revenue for your supplier. 
  • Time your purchases: Make large purchases before the price rises, particularly for equipment, land or other assets. This allows you to borrow cash when it is worth more and pay off your debt with money that is worth less. 
  • Optimize pricing: Create value for your product/service through marketing and an improved customer experience. This will allow you to raise your prices with less difficulty. Tie your price increase to the PPI (producer price index) or the CPI (consumer price index). Consider targeting less price-sensitive customers. 
  • Understand your cash flow: Cash flow and working capital are essential parts of a plan to deal with inflation. Do a financial modelling exercise to map out your situation. Look at ways to improve cash flow:
    • extending payments to vendors
    • tightening up invoicing and collection policies
    • divesting underperforming divisions or assets
    • prioritizing your resources in areas that are performing well
  • Reduce your tax burden: Talk to your accountant about ways to reduce your tax burden. Take advantage of losses. 
  • Review your debt and capital needs:  Assess your ability to meet current debt obligations. Reach out to lenders if you’re considering expansion, the purchase of new technology and/or refinancing existing debt.
  • Consider your strategies for growth: What worked in the past may not work now. Reevaluate and refresh your strategies.
  • Assess your technology: Do you have access to real-time data regarding your business? If not, it may be time to upgrade your technology. Consider a cloud accounting system, an enterprise resource planning system (ERP), a warehouse management system (MHS) and/or a customer relationship management system (CRM). The information provided can guide your decision-making. 
  • Simplify operations: Look for ways to streamline complicated processes, run leaner, reduce cost and increase profitability. 
  • Prioritize high-profit margin products: Many companies give priority based on the date of the order regardless of profit margin. Tell customers purchasing low-profit items/services that delivery will be slow. Ship goods/deliver services that are most profitable first. 
  • Differentiate between strategic and nonstrategic cost cutting: Selectively trim costs to improve the return on operating expenses. Boost growth through greater investment in the strategic capabilities needed to achieve differential results. Deploy scarce resources to reinvigorate strategy and maximize shareholder value.
  • Eliminate work: Scrutinize what activities are performed and how those activities are performed.  Eliminate unnecessary work and automate when possible.
  • Keep morale high and prevent attrition: Losing key employees results in lost productivity and requires time and effort to find and train a replacement. To avoid this, openly communicate with employees. Be aware and accommodating of personal needs. 

Inflationary pressures and supply chain issues are real and complicated. It’s important to develop a plan that addresses the rapidly evolving situation. Utilize the wisdom and leadership available to your business by talking to your accountant. They have the knowledge and experience to help you weather current circumstances. 

Does your business need help weathering current inflationary conditions? Contact Cook and Company Chartered Professional Accountants. We can provide you with powerful financial planning solutions. Whether you operate a sole proprietorship or a sizable corporation with multiple subsidiaries, Cook and Company use their experience and expertise to help your business. Contact us for a complimentary consultation.

The Best Strategies for Small Business Accounting

Strategies for Small Business Accounting

The process of bookkeeping may seem complicated and daunting. Yet, it’s crucial that your small business has accurate books. Detailed financial records reduce problems; unpleasant financial surprises, forgotten paperwork, missed goals, large bills from your accountant, and payroll and tax challenges. Accurate and efficient bookkeeping helps a business make and keep long-term goals, smooth out the ups and downs of seasonal cash flow, improve profits and alleviate troubles with the CRA. The following are some strategies for effective small business accounting. 

  • Keep business and personal banking separate: Open a dedicated bank account for your business, preferably one with online access as this makes it easier to make payments and do bank reconciliations. If you need business money for personal expenses, do a regular transfer to your personal account. This will make bookkeeping much easier.  Don’t use your personal credit card for work purchases and vice versa.
  • Recognize business vs. personal expenses: You need to know what type of expenses can and can’t be claimed against your profit for the purpose of reducing tax. An expense that is directly related to the operation of the business and towards producing income is tax-deductible. An expense that is for your personal pleasure is not. Mixing personal and business does not mean a full claim for business can be made. If you’re in doubt about whether or not to claim an expense, contact your accountant.
  • Develop a budget: Begin by coming up with revenue projections and a list of anticipated expenditures. Compare this budget to actual expenses and revenue. Adjust the budget as needed.
  • Keep an eye on high-cost expenses: Labour and inventory costs are the largest expenses for most small businesses. To reduce labour expenses, consider outsourcing  work to contractors that bill at an hourly rate. They may not need 40 hours/week to complete your work and they don’t require benefits. Time-tracking software makes it easier to understand how much certain tasks cost your business, enabling you to find ways to control expenses. Track inventory carrying costs, inventory turnover ratio, amount lost to obsolete inventory and other key metrics.
  • Plan for major investments. Consider what expenses will arise in the next one to five years (upgrade of facilities, new office equipment, peaks in staffing costs, emergencies). By planning for major expenses, you can avoid taking money out of the company during good months and finding yourself short in slow months. Track expenses and revenue to help identify the best time for large investments. Business credit cards help establish a credit history giving you a better chance at qualifying for financing (lines of credit, loans) and they often offer perks such as business or travel rewards.
  • Utilize bookkeeping software: There are free bookkeeping software packages if you are on a tight budget (Wave, ZipBooks, Akaunting, SlickPie, GnuCash, CloudBooks). If you can afford it, purchase a good quality program that comes with occasional updates (Cashbook, Quickbooks, Xero, Sage, Freshbooks, Zoho). Choose one that is easy to use, customizable, produces charts for quick reference and combines different aspects of reporting from one period to the next. 
  • Organize and store source documents: Quotes, orders, delivery dockets, sales and purchase invoices, credit and debit notes, payment/remittance advice, cheques, receipts, wage records and deposit slips need to be filed and archived for 5 to 7 years. Keeping source documents at your fingertips makes it easier to prevent fraud in your business, improve your accuracy and ease finding transactions when needed.
  • Read and understand monthly reports: Keep your bookkeeping system up to date and produce reports monthly. Learn to read and understand these reports, in particular the income statement and the balance sheet. 
  • Keep on top of sales invoices: Late and/or unpaid bills hurt cash flow.  As soon as a job is complete or a product is delivered, prepare and send out customer invoices. Put a process in place to track your billing carefully (issuing a second invoice, a phone call reminder, penalties or extra fees). Be organized.
  • Ensure inventory data is accurate. To prepare financial statements you need accurate inventory data. Track physical inventory either manually, by counting items on a regular basis, or by pairing counts with an inventory management system that automatically adjusts the numbers as sales happen (via integration with your point-of-sale system). Inventory management software makes it much easier to track inventory and the information will be more accurate.
  • Know when to outsource: If you find bookkeeping too difficult or don’t have enough time for it, outsource the task. This can be cost-effective and professional help will ensure accuracy. Professional bookkeepers often give great business advice and assist with many tasks (recommend good software, attend meetings with your banker, explain accounts you find difficult, prepare annual budget and cash flow reports, etc).

Don’t let accounting be the downfall of your small business. Try these bookkeeping tips to help you improve your business, spend less time on finances, focus on growing your company and enhance your customer relationships. When it’s time, get professional bookkeepers and/or accountants involved. 

Need help establishing a good bookkeeping system? Looking for business advice? Contact Cook and Company Chartered Professional Accountants. We are based out of Calgary, Alberta, serving clients across Canada and the United States. We provide high-quality tax, assurance and succession planning services for a wide variety of privately-owned and managed companies. Contact us for a complimentary consultation.

Common Problems with Business Succession Planning

Business Succession Planning

Operating and growing a business is engaging and demanding. Business owners often become consumed with the day-to-day operations of their company, leaving little time and energy for planning for the future. Eventually, companies change hands; through retirement, transferring of ownership or death. Succession planning is a way to prepare for the future, making transitions smoother and maximizing financial rewards for business owner(s) and/or their heirs.  

What is succession planning?

Succession planning is the process of identifying the critical positions within an organization and developing action plans for individuals to assume these positions. It’s a business strategy used to pass leadership to an employee or group of employees. Succession planning ensures the continuity of a company’s success in the future.

Why do you need a succession plan?

Planning for the future of a company has many and varied benefits. Succession planning:

    • prepares the way for the change of leadership in a company. The right leaders make a difference in the success of an organization. Succession planning ensures the stability of a company and prepares it for growth and change by planning who will lead the organization in the future. 
    • helps a company survive unforeseen events such as death, illness, personal problems, abrupt resignation, arrest, etc. It puts a strategy in place for filling important leadership roles.
    • encourages company owners to think long term. Rather than focusing only on weekly meetings and quarterly earnings, succession planning forces you to think about your company’s future. 
    • motivates communication. Talking about the future promotes communication between departments and/or employees, improving how everyone works together on a daily basis. 
    • saves money. Being unprepared for a sudden vacancy risks incurring significant costs to lure qualified people to your position, on short notice. A documented succession plan saves the costs of hiring outside people for key leadership roles.
    • keeps staff motivated. Succession planning sends a positive message to staff as they are considered for future leadership positions. It increases confidence in a company and motivates the best efforts of employees. 

Common problems with business succession planning:

There are a number of issues and problems to be wary of when planning for the succession of your business. 

    • Lack of Strategy: Make sure you identify your company goals and priorities and that your succession plan lends itself to achieving these. Your plan needs to be a cohesive, overall strategy. 
    • Ambiguity: An effective succession plan provides clear, well-defined guidance for a smooth transition. It identifies key positions and how they will be filled. If it is to be functional, it must be detailed.
    • Procrastination: Many business owners find it difficult to find the time and energy to create a succession plan. Thinking about their mortality, disability and/or future sale of their company seems impossible. Get the process started by bringing in outside help to coordinate the complicated factors associated with preparation for the future. Let the experts (accountant, lawyer, banker, advisor, etc.) help formulate the plan. 
    • Choosing successors by gut rather than data: When choosing successors for key positions in your company, consider performance scores, number and quality of projects completed, engagement survey scores and supervisory/leadership experience. Be careful of making succession decisions solely based on your attitudes and beliefs. These are formed by experience and the experience of any individual is limited. 
    • Making assumptions about your talent: Make a point of understanding the skills, talents and goals of those in your organization. Empower employees to chart their own career development within your business, giving them a sense of control over their careers. Steer clear of assuming you know what they want and whether they’re interested in taking over a leadership role in the future.
    • Forgetting company morale: Discussion of succession can have a negative impact on morale, lead to fear regarding the future of the company and create jealousy and competitiveness. Be straightforward about the process of planning for the future of the company. Encourage discussion and collaboration. Allow employees to air concerns and give them time to get on board with the plan. Make the process simple and open.  
    • Ignoring retention of candidates: It’s important to retain those you are training to lead one day. To fend off head hunters and motivate future leaders to stay with your company, offer development opportunities, training incentives and mentoring. Be clear about why and for what role you have selected them.
    • Considering only executive positions: If you are advancing an internal candidate to an executive position, you will need a competent employee to fill the vacancy you produce. Create a comprehensive strategy to fill executive and middle management positions. This helps avoid issues, making your plan stronger. 
    • Thinking succession planning is complete: Because companies are constantly changing (new products/services, new employees, new markets, additional layers of leadership), the succession plan you have in place will need to be reviewed and tweaked periodically. 
    • Failing to support succession planning with technology: Succession planning software (SAP, Succession Wizard, Cornerstone OnDemand, Plum, UltiPro, TalentGuard, etc.) supports a company by providing insight into the capabilities of employees and their succession potential. It empowers HR to identify skilled employees and accelerate their development and enables them to evaluate, monitor, engage and develop existing talent. 
    • Not maintaining a current, accurate business valuation: Though the succession plan is a means of readying for the future, be prepared to make sudden and challenging choices by keeping a current, accurate valuation of your business. This serves as a benchmark, giving you control and secure data on which to base decisions.

Succession planning is critical to ensuring access to a talent pool for future vacancies. It makes tackling future changes and challenges easier. Align your plan with your goals. Revisit it periodically and adjust as needed. Utilize software to provide data for decision-making and let the experts help ease the process. If you haven’t already formulated one, get started on your succession plan today.   

Need help creating a succession plan for your business? Want to avoid the common challenges of succession planning? Contact Cook and Company Chartered Professional Accountants. Our expert staff will help you navigate the complex maze of succession planning, with ease. Whether you operate a sole proprietorship or a sizable corporation with multiple subsidiaries, Cook and Company uses their experience and expertise to help your business. Contact us for a complimentary consultation.

Tips for Effectively Managing Business Debt

Managing Business Debt

Debt is a necessary part of running a business, allowing a company to purchase inventory, invest in equipment and finance growth. If not handled carefully, debt can cause serious problems. It’s important to develop methods for debt management so that a company’s credit rating may be preserved and operations sustained. The following are strategies and tactics for effectively managing business debt. 

  • Take inventory of your debt: List the money owed and to whom (business loans, lines of credit, business credit cards, outstanding amounts due to vendors). Include the total amount owed, interest rate and monthly payments. This information will help with the prioritization of payments.
  • Create a plan: Develop a budget and a plan for repayment. Decide which debts to pay first and which pose less of an immediate threat. Decide whether you wish to use the avalanche strategy (paying off your debts, starting with the loan with the highest interest rate) or the debt snowball strategy (paying off the smallest of all your loans as quickly as possible) to settle your outstanding balances. 
  • Improve cash flow management: Improving cash flow requires measurement and forecasting, improving the management of payables and receivables and being prepared for shortfalls.
    • Cut unnecessary spending: Review all costs (inventory, shipping, purchasing, rent, utilities, payroll, equipment, etc.). Look for costs that can be reduced or cut. Explore the possibility of alternative buying strategies. Negotiate with current suppliers in order to cut costs and/or find new suppliers with better pricing. Rewrite your budget.
    • Increase your earnings: Fine-tune your invoice collection, using collection strategies for a more predictable cash flow. Promote your business (social media, community events, etc.) to increase income. Bundle products to reduce selling price and improve sales volume. Provide employee training to enhance sales performance. Find ways to retain customers and attract new ones.
  • Renegotiate, refinance and/or consolidate debt: Reach out to your creditors to negotiate more favourable terms. Try refinancing as it often results in lower payment terms and interest rates. Consolidating multiple debts reduces the number of creditors to pay and payments you make, often allowing you management of debt through a single monthly payment. 
  • Plan for the long term: Establish an emergency business account. Put aside a portion of business profits each month as a reserve against the ups and downs of business. 
  • Get professional help: There’s no need to confront your small business debt alone. Consider working with your CPA. They are available to answer questions and have knowledge, experience and skill with debt management. 

Managing debt is a necessary and important aspect of operating a business. It’s fundamental to business success. Debt management allows a business to manage cash flow and capital for growth. Tackling debt may seem tricky and stressful but, using these tips, you can make headway. Though these strategies aren’t solutions, they provide opportunities for relief of the risk that comes with debt. Remember that your accountant is on your side and is an essential source of help and support in debt management for your business.

Need help with debt management strategies? Contact Cook and Company Chartered Professional Accountants. Our expert staff will help you navigate the complex maze of debt management, with ease. Whether you operate a sole proprietorship or a sizable corporation with multiple subsidiaries, Cook and Company uses their experience and expertise to help your business. Contact us for a complimentary consultation.